torsdag den 29. september 2016

Harley Davidson

In connection with our school trip to Madison and Chicago in the US, we have made an assignment to the American company Harley-Davidson. First, we have made a company description and that, include the company’s vision and mission. After that we have analysed the company’s marketing mix and their target group. We have also looked at the buying behaviour when buying a Harley Davidson. Thereafter we have analysed Harley Davidson’s competitive position and their strategy for growth. Finally, we have made a supply chain before we at the end have a conclusion and an SWOT-analysis.

Company description

Harley-Davidson was founded in 1903. Four ambitious entrepreneurs built the first Harley Davidson motorcycle inside a small wooden shed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Three of the entrepreneurs were brothers and shared the same last name Davidson, and the last entrepreneur was Bill Harley.  That is where the brand name Harley-Davidson comes from. Today Harley-Davidson has more than 6400 employees spread around the U.S and abroad. The headquarters is located near the shed where it all started in Milwaukee. Manufacturing is done at different locations in Wisconsin, York, Pennsylvania. 

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